Thursday, August 24, 2006


I arrive home from our mission trip to Honduras and the air inside is frigid. I’ve spent nine days in the heat with no cool place for escape. You’d think I’d welcome the labor of the air conditioner but right now it just feels harsh.

After a night’s rest I make my way through my house that now appears to be a mansion. As I sip on my first cup of coffee, I notice a notebook on the table. In it is the list I made before leaving on the trip. I made it in order to release the things giving me anxiety, to record what was important for me to get done, and to help me budget my time so I wouldn’t squander it on futile things.

In reviewing the list I laugh at myself. It’s amazing what happens to you after spending nine days in a third world country. The people there are wonderful, grateful, kind, loving, hospitable; the poverty is great, the children uncared for, the pain unfathomable. My mind wanders around and then falls back on this list showing me what I thought imperative less than two weeks ago.

Organize closet and clean out the excess. It dawns on me now why they think we’re the “rich North Americans”. In thinking back to the homes we visited, I remember the lady sweeping her dirt floor. I remember taking groceries into the one-room shack, setting them on the floor because there are no cupboards, hitting me hard with the realization that there was also no food. I need to organize my closet. They don’t even have closets, because they don’t have excessive amounts of clothing. In fact, they don’t have much more than the shirts on their backs.

File, organize, and catalog my books. What a luxury I have taken for granted. I have a variety of books: classic literature, modern fiction, spiritual growth, Bible studies, devotionals. Many of the people we met don’t even have a Bible. Some do and they value it. I pray for those who don’t have the opportunity to dive into God’s Word while I switch between three books on any given day.

Now I know I’m not to feel guilty for what God has blessed me with and I don’t. My priorities have just reorganized and those things that actually gave me anxiety now don’t seem to matter at all. My shoes can stay disorganized and I’m in no rush to catalog my books. I pray I will take these lessons to heart and be grateful for what God has given me and that I will be a good steward of these blessings, using it all for His glory.

One Scripture came up over and over last week and it penetrates my thoughts again:

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
Luke 12:48b

May God give you a renewed perspective on what’s important in life and a new appreciation of the many blessings from Him.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights”
James 1:17a

And may God remind you of the best gift of all: Him.

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
Genesis 15:1b

Training Update

We are officially halfway through our first training class. We’ve been going through Inter-cultural Communications Course and have been learning about world view, partnering with nationals, language learning, spiritual vitality, and interpersonal skills among many other subjects.
The main thing I’ve learned is that no matter how much I prepare or how open and informed I feel, the transition into another country is going to be challenging. Not impossible. Challenging.
As much as I want to help people and love them, I’m still an American and that will affect how I see the world and judge situations. Out of all that’s been thrown at us, that’s probably the most important. No matter how obvious it looks to me, I should take a step back before making assumptions.
If you want to have some fun, google “USA Culture.” There are websites for people moving here from other countries and they help people adjust to us. That's right. They help others adjust to us. Some of the things on there made me ask, “Doesn’t everyone do it that way?” Others made me shake my head at how pathetic we are especially when it comes to how important appearance is for us. Thankfully, many things I read made me laugh until I cried. For example, this is from, “Whether business or casual, the clothing should fit well, and be kept clean and neat. That means wearing a shirt, and certainly underwear, for a maximum of one day before throwing it in the wash.” My American mind set wonders who we have to tell these sort of things to.
Because I know we will face uncomfortable situations and maybe some culture shock and homesickness, I am so grateful that Jesus is my Rock. He will be with me wherever I go and will never change. Without Him, I can do nothing.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I just finished Uncharted by Angela Hunt. She is a Christian author who writes in parables, teaching spiritual truths with earthly stories. I won’t tell you anything about the story itself as it's one surprise after another and highly recommended for you to read on your own! What I got out of it though I will share…
I’ve been a Christian now long enough that my focus has consistently been on day-to-day living and my sanctification leaving salvation itself far behind me. Sometimes I see someone just learning about Christ or recently having accepted Him and I remember how much fire I had back then as well. In those moments my ungratefulness for salvation confronts me head-on so usually I stop and pray thanking Jesus for what He did for me on the cross. Usually out of knowing I should be thankful, not out of heartfelt gratitude.
So I read this book and WOW. I am truly in my heart SO thankful for having my sins forgiven and having a secure eternity with Jesus. When put into perspective, what could this temporary life throw at us that could take our joy of this awesome truth? Like the apostle Paul said, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)
Looking back at the sins I’ve committed in the past and the ones I currently commit knowing they are washed away…incredible. By taking the scenes from this book and looking into my own life I can see times when my thoughts and intentions have been cruel, selfish, and murderous – all the while looking so “together” and “clean” to the outside world. God can see our thoughts and He knows the motives of our hearts. But He’s not on a distant cloud somewhere scolding us – instead He’s within us grieving because He knows how destructive and hurtful sin is to us and to others around us.
It’s so easy to examine myself for sin in my life and once the “biggies” are ruled out to declare myself “okay” and move on feeling like I’ve pretty much got this Christian life thing nailed down. I ignore the hateful thoughts I have for the person cutting me off in traffic. I ignore the impatience shown to a co-worker who interrupts me. I ignore my insistence on my “right” to “win” an argument with someone. None of those things are Christ-like at all and not who I want to be – on the inside. I can hide my frustration and not let my evil words out, but they’re still there like a stone in my heart.
Thank God I am forgiven. Thank God I have a place in heaven for eternity. Thank God He has released me from this bondage of sin starting at the day of my salvation and continuing throughout my life here on earth! I don’t have to be a slave to these evil thoughts anymore. He has set me free and now I have a choice – each day, each moment, each thought – submit to sin or submit to Christ. I don’t always choose the best way and being aware of those moments, promptly confessing them, and allowing His forgiveness to cleanse me and make me new sets me right back on the path fully restored. I don’t have to sit in guilt, condemn myself, or analyze why I failed. Once I confess I can be secure in knowing I’m completely forgiven. Praise God for His grace and giving us newness of life.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ~1 John 1:9