Round Two is Complete
Our Inter-Cultural Communications course is now over. We learned so much through this experience and are grateful for it. I have realized how thankful I am for the organization of Wycliffe. I couldn’t imagine just packing my bags and “going” with no preparation at all. Training with people who have years of missionary experience really helps us to know what to expect and plan for.
We’ll spend Saturday resting from the five weeks of training, letting it all sink in, and resting our minds so they’ll be ready when we begin our VMS training on Monday. We pray that the Lord will make our Saturday off seem like a week as far as the amount of refreshing and rejuvenation.
The VMS training is three months long ending on December 15th. The first few weeks are instructional. The last weeks of the class will be filled with various projects. I’ve heard the training is a lot of fun so we’re both really looking forward to it. We’ve been building up to this time for about a year now and it’s great to know we’re finally here. We’ll be learning about the area we’re so passionate about and getting to put our hands on the equipment and watching God’s Word come to life for those who can’t read.
Thank you for joining us through our journey and praying for us. For more information on what VMS is, see the article on the front page of our website: http://www.jonathananddana.com/.
God bless!
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